Technology often gets the blame when a data breach occurs, but the truth is almost all incidents begin with human error. That’s exactly what social engineering relies on. Instead of trying to hack their way through complex security controls, cybercriminals find it easier to dupe victims into taking a desired action.
5 Common social engineering tactics to watch out for
A guide to IT security terms everyone should know

You've probably heard the term "malware" thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? In this article, we will define malware and a few other commonly used terms in IT so you can better protect your business. Understanding these basic cybersecurity concepts doesn’t require deep IT expertise, so read on.
Beware of these social engineering tactics
The Rio Summer Olympics took place years ago, but the hackers who infamously used social engineering to exploit the event are still with us. Although business owners may think that their systems are safe from malware, they may not be prepared for social engineering.