Strengthen your Facebook and Twitter privacy with these tips

Hackers are always looking for new ways to gain access to people’s personal information. This is why it’s crucial to take steps to safeguard your social media accounts. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to protect your online privacy while using Facebook and Twitter.

Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers

Social media phishing attacks are on the rise, with Facebook being one of the most commonly impersonated brands. Hackers are now employing more sophisticated tactics to steal personal data from social media users. To keep your data safe from them, heed our reminders and tips to strengthen your privacy settings and keep bad actors away.

Your guide to Microsoft 365 Groups connectors

Microsoft 365 Groups has a nifty feature called connectors, which enables users to link to and get information from third-party apps in Microsoft Outlook. This means relevant content and updates are shared immediately in your group feed, making workflow and collaboration more seamless.

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away.

Lock screens exist for a reason

Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them.

The cloud and virtualization explained

Cloud computing and virtualization are similar but that doesn’t mean that one can be substituted for the other. Each has its own benefits, so it pays to know how both work, so you can take advantage of them.

Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.

New design upgrades to Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 apps like PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, and Excel will be getting upgrades over the next few months. Microsoft expects these new features to boost productivity and overall efficiency of business users. Here’s what they have planned.
Simplified ribbon
The biggest update is with the ribbon, which is a command bar at the top of a window.

How to optimize Office 365

Out of the hundreds of Office 365 tools available to you, you’re probably using only 10-15% of them. This could be due to a lack of training or an unfamiliarity with some of the advanced options available in Word and Excel. But it’s easy to optimize your Office 365 investment by learning more about the following communication and collaboration features.

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