Secure Web Gateway

Secure Web Gateway Overview

A Secure Web Gateway from Safebit Solutions protects companies Web-surfing PCs from infection and enforce company policies. Our secure Web gateway is a dedicated hardware appliance that filters unwanted software/malware from user-initiated Internet traffic and enforces corporate and regulatory policy compliance. Our Gateways include URL filtering, malicious-code detection and filtering, and application controls for popular Web-based applications, such as instant messaging (IM) and Social Media.

In addition to securing your network the gateway will also cache(Store) and accelerate the speed of web browsing on the network. The most frequently accessed websites will stay loaded in the cache and allow faster loading company wide.

Primary Features of Secure Web Gateway

  • Category Based Content Filtering
  • URL Whitelist/Blacklists
  • Time based Access Controls
  • Real time data stream scanning of http and https traffic
  • Virus/Malware and zero day threat protection
  • Reporting on users web browsing activity.

Contact Us for more information for our Secure Web Gateway Solutions.

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