6 Important qualities of effective teams

6 Important qualities of effective teams

The success of a business can be largely attributed to the performance and dynamics of its teams. If employees do not work well together, it can result in poor productivity, missed targets, disputes, and many other negative outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll discuss six qualities that highly effective teams.

1. Individual members are competent and bring something unique to the team

Successful teams are composed of people who possess the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to accomplish team projects. Not only that, but each member also has their own unique experiences, knowledge, and perspectives to bring to the table. This way, members can be assigned tasks based on their strengths and complement one another. Additionally, having diverse personalities, cultures, age groups, and other characteristics in the team can also spark creativity and innovation.

2. They create clear goals and plans

When setting goals, an effective team involves all their members to get everyone committed to meeting these. They also carefully craft their goals using the SMART paradigm:

Acronym Guide Question Example
Specific What do you want to achieve? We aim to gain 40 new customers from the new office buuilding.
Measurable How will you check if you are on track or not? We will use the number of new customers coming from the new office building as the measure of success.
Achievable How will you attain the goal? We will create a sales promotion for first-time customers and publicize it by displaying banners around the new office building.
Relevant Is the team’s goal connected to the company’s objectives? Increase the number of new customers will increase profits.
Timely By when should you achieve the goal? We should achieve this by the end of 2021.

To help turn their goals into reality, they make an action plan that lays out all the necessary tasks together with timeframes, resources required, and task owners. This plan helps members understand their respective responsibilities and keeps projects on schedule and within budget.

3. Everyone contributes their fair share of the workload and supports one another

Members are deeply committed to achieving the team’s goals, so they make sure to excellently fulfill their own tasks. However, should someone in the team have difficulty with their share of the load, other members willingly lend a helping hand.

4. Members communicate well with one another

Good communication is at the heart of every strong team. Members openly express their thoughts, opinions, and ideas to the group and listen to what others have to say as well. They also provide constructive feedback to one another to improve work performance and correct misunderstandings.

5. Members trust each other

Successful teams have a culture of trust wherein members believe in one another’s ability, character, and integrity. This makes them feel safe with one another and comfortable to share knowledge, collaborate, and experiment. Without trust, people spend their time protecting themselves and their interests — time that could have been better spent helping the group attain its goals.

6. There is strong leadership

Grouping together competent and high-performing individuals does not guarantee team success — the team also needs an effective leader. Such leaders unify team members toward the same direction by providing focus and guidance. They also play a key role in keeping the team morale high so that members stay motivated to perform well, even in the midst of difficulties. The best leaders can even boost their members’ self-confidence to help them realize their potential.

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